All rights reserved. The Bible is the "document" that states Gods promises to us, and our rights as "His Son Yeshuas Bride the true Church." "The Reality of the Rapture is foreshadowed by The Ancient Galilean Wedding Tradition. (5) Dabar - A glass of wine to seal the contract. A FALL FROM GRACE Galatians 5:4 Can A Christian Fall From Grace? - Matthew 22:14. - Pastor Paul Fedena - Ephesians 5:18-19, JUST DUST - Psalm 103:14 - Pastor Paul Fedena, ITS TIME TO LEAVE YOUR CHURCH - Pastor Paul Fedena, SAME OLE, SAME OLE or VAIN REPETITION? :: Tribulation Chronicles - Part 1 a - Rapture Ready, True Worship :: Tribulation Chronicles - Part 1b - Rapture Ready, The Great White Throne - Revelation 20: 11-15, Frequently Asked Questions On Prophecy and Other Bible Truths, Glossary of Pre-Tribulation Rapture Terms, Prophecy Book - Rapture to the Millennium (Over 40 Messages On Prophecy) By Dr. Paul Fedena, HOW WILL IT LOOK 100 YEARS FROM NOW? The brides consent - Mohar . If this covenant were only made to the disciples in the upper room, we would not be called to do it every time we meet, but that is not the case (1 Corinthians 11:23-27). What do you know now that you didnt realize before this Reading Plan? The Groom (Yeshua) appears and finds some believers being born again and longing for His return BUT sadly some nominal believers who are not! "In my Fathers house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. - Dr. Paul Fedena - Luke 1:34, TWAS THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS by Dr. Paul Fedena, THREE CHRISTMAS CAROLS - Dr. Paul Fedena - Matthew2:1, THE REAL SCROOGE OF CHRISTMAS? Why was the OIL in the lamps always needed to be filled? Jesus and His disciples are all Galileans, and two-thirds of the New Testament occurs in the area of Galilee and follows the Galilean customs in their culture, which is different from other Middle Eastern customs and cultures. But concerning that day and hour, no one knows, not even the angels of Heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only. ~Matthew 24:36. All of the disciples of Jesus were from Galilee. In the New Testament our status has changed - Yeshua (Jesus) has paid at the Cross of Calvary for His Bride! What is a Galilean Wedding? His disciples were Galilean. How to Read your Bible without Getting Confused How to rightly divide the word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15), Dispensationalism rightly dividing the word of truth - 2 Timothy 2 15, Salvation In The Old Testament Verses Salvation In The N.T. The groom and groomsmen would not know the day or the time he would be allowed to collect his bride, but only the grooms father would know and tell him (sound familiar?). The conditions for the bride were to always be pure and to sleep in her wedding gown and her bridesmaids were there to help her out when the Groom comes unexpectedly, at an hour they did not know. - 1 Corinthians 6:20. to make her holy, cleansingher by the washing with water through the word,and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless." Yet, sadly, so few have seen the potential and the rewards of serving God in this manner - as agents of mercy to, things that are despised God has chosen, 1 Corinthians, Now, more than at any time is the time to support, and the Jewish people - the Lords Brethren! Bible scholars continue to debate the timing of the Rapture, but why is such a mysterious event prophesied to happen in the first place? After the betrothal contract the bride and bridegroom WILL. Since ONLY the father of the bridegroom in the ancient times of Galilean weddings knows the day or hour that the bridegroom can go retrieve His bride both the bridegroom and bride MUST be prepared. The bride spends a great deal of time and cost gathering cloth to make her wedding gown. This is the Rapture. The problem is ..we are not Galileans so we do not understand a wedding in their culture. The Rapture Must Happen Before the Day of the Lord Starts In 1 Thessalonians 5:2-3, Paul tells his readers that the start of the day of the Lord will surprise people on the earth "like a thief in the night" with its sudden destruction from which "they will not escape." Now, both parties, including the guests, await the grooms father. "For I know the plans I have for you declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future." (Jeremiah 29:11To . - Dr. Paul Fedena - Genesis 1:1, CONFESSION IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL & THE SAINT - Dr. Paul Fedena - Isaiah 53:6, SHEPHERDS, SHEEP, GOATS, WOLVES & SHEPHERDS or FEEDING OR FLEECING THE FLOCK? You're awakened by the sudden clamor of shouting and a harsh blast from ram's horn trumpet. 5 Bizarre New Plagues That Have Hit America. - Pastor Paul Fedena, BY SPECIAL DELIVERY - Dr. Paul Fedena - Romans 1:2-4, SAINTS IN THE CITY OF THE CAESARS or ARE YOU CALLED TO BE AN APOSTLE? - Pastor Paul Fedena - Romans 1:5-7, FAMOUS FOR THE FAITH - Dr. Paul Fedena - Romans 1:8-12, READY FOR ROME - Dr. Paul Fedena - TEXT: Romans 1:13-16, HEAR YE! - Dr. Paul Fedena - Luke 24:13-35, SEVEN SUPERLATIVES ON THE SAVIOR'S SUPERIORITY - Dr. Paul Fedena Hebrews 1:1-3, What does Deuteronomy 10:12 tell us God requires of us, THE SONS OF GOD IN THE DAYS OF NOAH - A Scriptural and logical attempt to discover the identity of the sons of God in Genesis 6 - Dr. Paul Fedena, DO YOU LOVE WHAT THE ONE YOU LOVE, LOVES? The bride receives the covenant or proposal - an agreement stating that the couple would soon be wed was ratified and read aloud followed by an exchange of gifts, including a dowry (the MOHAR - an amount of property or money brought by a bride to her husband on their marriage). Interestingly same parallel to the Galilean wedding; When the time came the FATHER gave permission to his son to fetch his bride. It should, as Christians have heard this many times before. Bride of Christ The Church is the Bride of Christ. The Fifth Column - Islam / Liberalism & Antichrist, Jerusalem's Jubilee in a Jubilee Year (5777). Once you understand that Jesus a Galilean was speaking to His disciples also Galileans using wedding phrases that they would have understood, the message is more apparent to all of us. Why Did Jesus Allude to Galilean Wedding Traditions When He talked about the Rapture? According to Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum in his must-read book The Footsteps of the Messiah, there are four steps involved with such a wedding: 1 .The father of the groom makes the arrangements. What about the parable of the Ten Virgins? We too are waiting for the SOUND of the TRUMPET! During Ancient Biblical times, a wedding was the biggest event in town for anyone. The groom adds to his fathers house an area where they will live. - Genesis 24:4. I AM A BIBLE BELIEVER! The disciples would get further confirmation of the marriage found in John. Can objects be possessed by demons? Caliphate and kingdoms vs The Kingdom of God. Volume 1 and 2 of Bible History. The Groom (Jesus) comes to get His bride (the true church) and takes her to her new home. All of the disciples of Jesus were from Galilee. And throughout the Bible we read about these events. There is one "sign" though - before our Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) does return to "catch away" the true believers with Him, there will be "a great falling away" from faith! Jesus will be coming soon to collect (rapture) His bride. For more information, please visit:, Everyday Life in Revelation: Part 1 the Christ, Hope From Israel: The Power of God's Word, Everyday Life in Revelation: Part 2 the Church. or THE FUTURE OF YOUR CHURCH - Dr. Paul Fedena - Nehemiah 3:5, GET READY FOR REVIVAL - Dr. Paul Fedena - Joshua 7:13, THE SIN OF DOING NOTHING! What That Means, ETERNAL REWARDS IT WILL PAY TO OBEY By Lucas Kitchen, HYPOCRITES IN THE CHURCH - Dr. Paul Fedena - Romans 2:1-3, Contrast of LAW and GRACE - Brother Rob Madden, FEEDING OR FLEECING THE FLOCK? Ephesians5:26-27. It meant building onto the familys house, preparing a place for his bride, to live with him; "Which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber (chuppah), and rejoices as a strong man to run a race." My goal is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to teach others about the Kingdom of God, and to be an example of Jesus Christ, God's only begotten Son. However, this parallel is for the TRUE Church (One New Man saved Jews and Gentiles). KEEP RANK! Dr. Paul Fedena - 1Chronicles 12:33 THESIS: To teach believers to be good soldiers by keeping rank. 24:21-25, Judgement of the Sheep and Goats - Dr. Paul Fedena - Matthew 25, I WANT YOUR REWARDS! July 6, 2022. This article seeks to address the timing of the seven-year marriage consummation period (seven days in the traditional Jewish-Galilean wedding) between our Lord and His bride - the church - in heaven after the rapture and how this will correlate to the seven-year Tribulation. In the New Testament the bride (Church) received the gifts of the Holy Spirit while we are waiting; "There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them." December 15, 2020. The New Jerusalem Coming Millennium Kingdom, The Three Tree of Israel: Olive; Fig & Vine (Judge, Significance of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. Synthetic Bible Studies of the Books of the Old Testament Containing an outline study of every book of the Bible with suggestions for Sermons, Addresses and Bible Expositions By James M. Gray, D.D. The Fathers house in the Galilean wedding is the perfect picture of Heaven. Just like the Ancient Galilean bride and bridegroom we too MUST wait until the FATHER says its time! See the crown upon his bead, and rejoice in his rejoicing! With lockdown and difficult recovery still lying ahead we ARE reminded that the Wuhan Corona Virus has caused many dire needs and continue to increase here in Israel upon the already most vulnerable! When the bride hears the trumpet call, she knows the bridegroom is coming to get her. Then the Groom would come for His bride in the night. You ask,Why? It is because theLordis the witnessbetween you and the wife of your youth. This introduces the Rapture to us. - Dr. Paul Fedena - Numbers 32:23, Let's Focus On WORSHIP! The bride had to agree to the entirety of the contract before they were to proceed to the next phase of their courtship. We are chosen as the Bride of Christ, and we are meant to dwell with Him for Eternity. - Dr. Paul Fedena - 2 Kings 10:15, THE SHOULDERS, HEART & HANDS OF OUR SAVIOR - Dr. Paul Fedena - Exodus.28:9-29, The top twenty Pre-Tribulation Prophecies, ENTERING THE HOLY OF HOLIES a verse-by-verse exposition of the Book of Hebrews - Dr. Paul Fedena, Introduction to the Epistle of Paul to the Hebrews - Dr. Paul Fedena, MILK & MEAT MILK - Dr. Paul Fedena - Hebrews 5:12-13, Topical Sermons and Bible Series By Dr. Paul Fedena, Study On The Life of Joseph Dr. Paul Fedena Genesis 37-50, GOING PLACES WITH GOD WHERE YOUVE NEVER BEEN or STEP INTO THE WATER! Sound familiar? "- 2 Corinthians 11:2. Yeshua (Jesus) promises that He WILL return for His Bride, - the Church and that there will be those on earth that will NOT taste death. - Dr. Paul Fedena - Psalm 14:1-3, OH GOD!- Dr. Paul Fedena - Psalm 42:1, MILE MARKER CHRISTIANS Dr. Paul Fedena - Matthew 5:41-48, THE BATTLE FOR VICTORY (or Pauls Autobiography) - Dr. Paul Fedena - Romans 7:14-25, MAN: THE REMARKABLE REFLECTION OF GOD - Dr. Paul Fedena - Genesis 1:26-27, MISERABLE COMFORTERS - Dr. Paul Fedena - Job 13:4; Job 16:2, MEMORIES, MEMORIES - Dr. Paul Fedena - Isaiah 65:17, TOO MANY CHIEFSNOT ENOUGH INDIANS! We learned SO MUCH! - 1 Corinthians 12:4. B4Pbakup 130K subscribers Subscribe 198 Share 7K views 1 year ago It is true the word Rapture is not in the bible,. After the betrothal contract the bride and bridegroom WILL live apart for a year while the groom prepares for his bride the groom goes to his father and builds a room onto his fathers house, builds new furniture for their new place, and purchases items for the feast and their home. Of course, the Lords Bride isnt just the 12 Disciples present at the Last Supper but ALL true believers. Globalism brings Rise to End-Time Antichrist! The rapture, were the Christians at that time who saw the army on the hill and believed in what Jesus said and then fled, while the Roman army held back for three days. Summary. The World Before the Flood and the History of the Patriarchs. Though you do not see him now, you trust him" 1 Peter 1:8. . (DID WE MISS THE RAPTURE?) He IS watching to see how the nations are treating His people Israel. The disciples would have understood this as an agreement to be married to Christ through the price of the dowery his blood at the cross. Revelation 13:16-18 (KJB), "WHAT NEXT?!" Many will be left behind in the Rapture and shut out of the Marriage Supper and destined to Gods wrath on the world. Signs of the Times - Are We Reaching A Prophetic Boiling Point? There are a number of interpretations about who each of these two groups of . The Shiddukhin the father chose a bride for the son In the Old Testament we read that Abraham sent his servant Eliezer to find a bride for Isaac; "But you shall go unto my country, and to my kindred (family/homeland), and take a wife for my son Isaac." How many times have weve been afraid to show love because of the hostility of others? - Dr. Paul Fedena - Ecclesiastes 12:1, NOT FOR SALE - Dr. Paul Fedena - 1 Kings 21:1-16, Beware The Label Changers - Dr. Paul Fedena - Isaiah 5:20, 23, MIXING UP A BATTER OF BLESSINGS or ALL THINGS - Dr. Paul Fedena - Romans 8:28. This introduces the Rapture to us. Only He knows the day or the hour. ), D.D., Ph.D. A Glorious Institution: The Church in History - (Part One and Two) - Stanford E. Murrell, Im Saved but Struggling with Sin! For this is My blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins. Understanding ISLAM - the Enemy of the West! But unlike todays modern wedding, the 1st century Galilean wedding ceremony had very different customs, traditions, and rituals. The Six Days Of Creation, The Fall, and The Deluge By Junius B. Reimensny der, D.D. (Pastor Paul Fedena) - Part Two, HOW TO DIE YOUNGER OR LIVE LONGER - Pastor Paul Fedena - Exodus 20:7, "DO YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS?" - Dr. Paul Fedena - Ezekiel 28:11-14 & 17. This is the first of Jesus Miracles. We take the cup representing His blood to reflect the wedding covenant he made to us before His betrayal. We need to know about this Ancient Jewish Galilean Wedding, to be able to understand what the Lord meant when He spoke to His Disciples as it gives us clearer understanding of the Rapture and Word of Yeshua (Jesus) to us for End times. The procession of men to the brides house was neither quiet or sedate as the groom was sounding the "SHOFAR" to warn that he was collecting his bride; "They looked out and saw a tumultuous procession with a great amount of baggage (this would be gifts for the bride and her family); and the bridegroom came out with his friends and his brothers to meet them with tambourines and musicians." And throughout the Bible we read about these events. BAPTISM FOR THE DEAD! We are witnessing the nations and people turning their backs on Israel. Frequently Asked Questions - Why support Israel? The Ketubah While the exchange of Covenant Vows between a man and woman who love each other is a blessing in any culture, there are aspects of the Jewish wedding celebration that are rich in spiritual truths. - How many people can fit in the New Jerusalem? Procreation In Eternity and Heaven - Will there be natural life on earth for all eternity, as God originally intended? - Pastor Paul Fedena - Psalm 91:1-10, WHERE WAS GOD? Everything on Earth is a fore-shadow of what is to come! Every Galilean wedding lasted 7-Days, but that of a king lasted 7-Years. Evangelism Tools What Every Christian Should Know, Pride VS Low Self-WorthThere Is A Difference, Wait Until This Happens BEFORE Casting Out Demons, Finding Peace & Contentment In A Job You Hate, Dont Let Mean Dogs Keep You From Showing Love, Can Objects Be Possessed By Demons? Matthew Henry Commentary on the Whole Bible (Complete) Originally written in 1706, Matthew Henry's six volume Complete Commentary provides an exhaustive look at every verse in the Bible. Galilean wedding is a year -long sequence of events Jesus, the church, the rapture and the second coming are a sequence of events that occur over a long period of time The Groom begins the marriage tradition by leaving his father's house and going to the home of his prospective Bride The bridegroom then takes a sip from the cup, solidifying their Covenant. "Could the amazing symbolism behind the ancient Galilean wedding prove that Jesus Christ will return to rapture the Church before the Tribulation? Now, more than at any time is the time to support Israel and the Jewish people - the Lords Brethren! A man crowned with laurel leaves leads the processionand carried high above the others on a queenly litter rides a veiled woman, splendidly adorned. For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and His bride has made herself ready Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!- Revelation 19:7, 9. This passage reiterates the wedding analogy to the disciples that one day, Christ would return, but only the Father (God) knows when. WHEN SATAN SPEAKS - Luke 8:11-12 - 2. If we look carefully, we are able to connect the rituals of Ancient Galilean weddings with what Yeshua (Jesus) told His Disciples about the Rapture. John Bunyan once said, "You have never lived successfully until you have done something for someone who canNEVER repay you!". - Dr. Paul Fedena - 1 Samuel 18:1, 20, DONT LOVE ME THAT MUCH! Yeshua (Jesus) promises that, There is excitement as the bridegroom is preparing and as the bride awaits always prepared for her Groom, Here are some extracts from the Bible that tell us what that Ancient wedding was like, , at King Solomon, at the crown with which his mother crowned him on the day of his wedding - Song of Solomon. Marriage found in John has paid at the Cross of Calvary for bride! Bible we read about these events because theLordis the galilean wedding rapture you and the Jewish people - the Lords Brethren 7K! Watching to see how the nations are treating His people Israel you trust him '' 1 Peter.! Bride had to agree to the next phase of their courtship 12 disciples present at Cross... There are a number of interpretations about who each of these two of. Of wine to seal the contract WANT YOUR REWARDS 7K views 1 Year it... Changed - Yeshua ( Jesus ) has paid at the Last Supper but all true believers we... 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