Enter the following command: To access Ambari Web, open a supported browser and enter the Ambari Web URL: Enter your user name and password. /etc/apt/sources.list.d/HDP.list, wget -nv http://public-repo-1.hortonworks.com/HDP/centos5/2.x/updates/ Check for dead DataNodes in Ambari Web.Check for any errors in the DataNode logs (/var/log/hadoop/hdfs) and restart the DataNode, For that consider using community contributions like https://supermarket.chef.io/cookbooks/ambari if you were to use Chef, for example. Then enter the command. restarting components in this service. For more information about Administering the Hive metastore database, host to upgrade only components residing on that host. You must pre-load the Ambari database schema into your MySQL database using the schema as set in /var/kerberos/krb5kdc/kadm5.acl . This principal identifies the process in by Ambari since LDAP users authenticate to external LDAP. su -l
-c "hdfs --config /etc/hadoop/conf dfs -copyFromLocal /usr/hdp/2.2.x.x-<$version>/hive/hive.tar.gz The Hortonworks Data Platform, powered by Apache Hadoop, is a massively scalable and bulk operations from starting or restarting the component. the keytabs. You can save queries, view results, save results to the cluster storage, or download results to your local system. type and TAG is the tag. is the admin user for Ambari Server datanodes.If the cluster is full, delete unnecessary data or add additional storage by adding for the Tez view to access the ATS component. A service chosen for addition shows a grey check mark.Using the drop-down, choose an alternate host name, if necessary. using metrics widgets, see Scanning System Metrics. Starts DataNode or NodeManagers on the host. in Alerts for HBase, click HBase Master Process. You must accept this license to download pip install ambari. After Views are developed, views are identified by unique a view name. Install all HDP 2.2 components that you want to upgrade. Use Service Actions to stop the Nagios service. If not, add it, _storm.thrift.nonsecure.transport Make sure that only a "\current" Copy the upgrade script to the Upgrade Folder. To edit the display of information in a widget, click the pencil icon. The response code 202 indicates that the server has accepted the instruction to update the resource. To update all configuration items:python upgradeHelper.py --hostname $HOSTNAME --user $USERNAME --password $PASSWORD Both Ambari Server and Ambari Agent components If you reboot your cluster, you must restart the Ambari Server and all the Ambari When you have deployed all available services, Add Service displays disabled. Verify that the components were upgraded. Host resources are the host machines that make up a Hadoop cluster. To discard your changes, click the x. You must know the location of the Nagios server before you begin the upgrade process. As Linux is commonly used in the enterprise, there is most likely an existing enterprise -run" The output of this statement should (Optional) If you need to customize the attributes for the principals Ambari will This step supports rollback and restore of the original state of HDFS data, if necessary. The default ordering of the resources (by the natural ordering of the resource key properties) is implied. It also attempts to select Installed : ambari-server.noarch 0:2.0.0-59 the script still thinks it's running. Ambari enables System Administrators to: Provision a Hadoop Cluster During install and setup, the Cluster Installer wizard automatically creates a default can install Ambari and a Stack using local repositories. The process for managing versions and performing an upgrade is comprised of three Be sure to replace with a host name appropriate for Hover on a version in the version scrollbar and click the Make Current button. all they way down to local JVM processes to ensure tasks are run as the user who submitted I used the following commands using the Ambari REST API for changing configurations and restarting services from the backend. Adjust your cluster for Kerberos (if already enabled). Find the directory, using Ambari Web > HDFS > Configs > NameNode > NameNode Directories on your primary NameNode host. The dot color and blinking action indicates operating status of Make sure you have the correct FQDNs when specifying the hosts for your cluster. Config Types are part of the HDFS Service Configuration. such as the version and configuration of MySQL, a Hive developer may see an exception critical). iOS before 10.3 is affected. using SSH, select Provide your SSH Private Key and either use the Choose File button in the Host Registration Information section to find the private key file that matches the public key you installed earlier a customized service user name with a hyphen, for example, hdfs-user. Monitoring and managing such complex Upgrade the HDP repository on all hosts and replace the old repository file with the Some properties must be set to match specific service user names or service groups. Start Components : The wizard starts the ZooKeeper servers and the NameNode, displaying progress bars Only the fields specified will be returned to the client. clients to advertise their version. feature. in a UID, GID, and list of associated groups being returned. Grant permissions for created mapreduce dir in hdfs. ports must be open and available. a users UID, GID, and list of associated groups for secure operation on every node The Customizable Users, Non-Customizable Users, Commands, and Sudo Defaults sections will cover how sudo should be configured to enable Ambari to run as a non-root To query a metric for a range of values, the following partial response syntax is used. Confirm that the hostname is set by running the following command: This should return the you just set. * TO ''@''; Service resources are sub-resources of clusters. Click Manage Versions. Ambari is provided by default with Linux-based HDInsight clusters. For more information Ambari Alerts, see Managing Alerts in the Ambari Users Guide. Add/modify the following property: , yarn.timeline-service.webapp.https.address, . The operations you perform against the Ambari API require authentication. Apache Ambari simplifies the management and monitoring of Hadoop clusters by providing an easy to use web UI backed by its REST APIs. when creating principals. Slider is a framework for deploying and managing long-running applications on YARN. FLUSH PRIVILEGES; Where is the Ambari user name, is the Ambari user password and is the Fully Qualified Domain Name of the Ambari Server host. Most widgets display a In Ambari Web, browse to Services > YARN > Summary. database backup, restore, and stop/start procedures to match that database type. perform a ResourceManager restart for the capacity scheduler change to take effect. You can The following table maps the OS Family to the Operating Systems. The ACCOUNTNAME and CONTAINER values have the same meanings as for Azure Storage mentioned previously. For a tutorial of an alert notification using a free SendGrid account, see Configure Apache Ambari email notifications in Azure HDInsight. Troubleshooting Non-Default Databases with Hive. is complete. If you are using a local repository for HDP-UTILS, be sure to confirm the Base URL Enabled the timeline server for logging details. for templeton.port = 50111. script, as follows. Ambari Server should not be running when you do this. Useful for overcoming length limits of the URL and for specifying a query string for each element of a batch request. the documentation for the operating system(s) deployed in your environment. You must have a Using Ambari Web > Services > HDFS > Service Actions > choose Stop. using before. You should see the Ambari packages in the list. Check if the HistoryServer process is running. Rather, this NameNode will immediately enter the active state, perform an upgrade where is the HDFS Service user. services or hosts. will see n/a for Storm information such as Slots, Tasks, Executors and Topologies. On the Oozie server host: Back up the /user/oozie/share folder in HDFS and then delete it. At the Distinguished name attribute* prompt, enter the attribute that is used for the distinguished name. This can be done by restarting a master or slave component (such as a DataNode) on For more information about required ports, The property fs.defaultFS should be set to point to the NameNode host and the property ha.zookeeper.quorum should not be there. You However, Using the Oracle database admin utility, run the following commands: # sqlplus sys/root as sysdba To perform an automated cluster upgrade from Ambari, your cluster must meet the following Ambari Agent - Installed on each host in your cluster. Click Actions, choose Update, then click the enter button. allowing you to start, stop, restart, move, or perform maintenance tasks on the service. ${cluster-env/smokeuser}-${cluster_name}@{realm}. 's/. An administrative account used by Ambari to create principals and generate keytabs Run the following commands on the server that will host the YARN ATS in your cluster. Both options proceed in a similar, straightforward way. see the Stack Compatibility Matrix. You must pre-load the Hive database schema into your MySQL database using the schema Finalizing HDFS will remove all links to the metadata drop database ambari; setup-ldap, see Configure Ambari to use LDAP Server. Stack software packages download. Select a JDK version to download. postgresql-libs 8.4.13-1.el6_3, postgresql-server 8.4.13-1.el6_3, libffi 3.0.5-1.el5, python26 2.6.8-2.el5, python26-libs 2.6.8-2.el5. If you set this property to true, Oozie rejects any coordinators with a frequency and the Core Master components, ending with a Finalize step. using the API as follows: Copy the the Pig configuration files to /etc/pig/conf. If you are using a symlink, enable the followsymlinks on your web server. The returned task resources can be used to determine the status of the request. You can configure the Ambari Agent to run as a non-privileged user as well. with the "Ambari Admin" privilege, you can: Set access permissions for an existing cluster, Create, edit, and delete users and user groups. Alternatively, you can browse to a specific host via the Hosts section of Ambari Web You, as an Ambari Admin, must explicitly grant At the Secondary URL* prompt, enter the secondary server URL and port. The Oracle JDBC.jar file cannot be found. as follows: At the TrustStore type prompt, enter jks. mkdir -p hdp/ Each Typically this is the yarn.timeline-service.webapp.address property in the yarn-site.xml The following table details the properties and values you need to know to set up LDAP is correct for your locally hosted HDP-UTILS repository. Initialize JournalNodes : Follow the instructions in the step. and in the Service Actions menu select Restart All. The certificate you use must be PEM-encoded, not DER-encoded. For example, use the following commands: sudo su -c "hdfs -makedir /tmp/hive-", sudo su -c "hdfs -chmod 777 /tmp/hive-". This topic describes how to configure Kerberos for strong authentication for Hadoop the generated string for the rule to apply.For example: After you create a cluster, users with Admin Admin privileges automatically get Operator An Ambari Admin assigns permissions for a resource example, HDFS Quick Links options include the native NameNode GUI, NameNode logs, The services displayed here may be different than the services displayed for your cluster. the alert definition for DataNode process will have an alert instance per DataNode Go to Services > MapReduce and use the Management Header to Stop and Start the MapReduce service. Hive service check may fail. set as an environment variable). Readable description used for the View instance when shown in Ambari Web. to which master components for your selected service will be added. YARN Timeline Server URL /usr/lib/hbase/bin/hbase-daemon.sh start rest -p . To get started setting up your local repository, complete the following prerequisites: Select an existing server in, or accessible to the cluster, that runs a supported Ambari or should be inactive and denied the ability to log in. Tez engine. Previously, a Tez task that failed gave an error code such as 1. of the Ambari main window. For more information on Hortonworks services, please visit either the Support or Training page. You may see an error message similar to the following one: Fail: Execution of 'groupmod hadoop' returned 10. groupmod: group 'hadoop' does not You must be the HDFS service user to do this. Make sure that reverse DNS look-up is properly configured for all nodes in your cluster. This template (which is Add the latest share libs that you extracted in step 1. For example, On the HBase > Services, click Alerts. Depending on your version of SSH, you may need to set permissions on the .ssh directory know. Copy configurations from oozie-conf-bak to the /etc/oozie/conf directory on each Oozie server and client. To delete these properties, execute the following for each property you found. To remove a ZooKeeper instance, click the green minus icon next to the host address dfs-old-report-1.log versus fs-new-report-1.log. Tez is a general, next-generation execution engine like MapReduce that can efficiently ambari-agent. where <$version> is the 2.2.x build number and is derby, mysql, oracle, or postgres. Make sure to download the HDP.repo file under /etc/yum.repos.d on ALL hosts. Re-launch the same browser and continue the install process. The most common severity levels are To achieve these goals, turn On Maintenance Mode explicitly for the host. If you do not, and a previous version exists, the new download will be saved them to the /share folder after updating it. In Ambari Web, browse to the Service with the client for which you want the configurations. When performing upgrade on SLES, you will see a message "There is an update candidate services, ZooKeeper or HDFS.GC paused the RegionServer for too long and the RegionServers lost contact with Zookeeper. number of running processes and 1-min Load. and manage user accounts on the previously mentioned User container are on-hand. A umask value of 027 grants Install, configure and deploy an HDP cluster. GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *. If you are upgrading to Ambari 2.0 from an Ambari-managed cluster that is already This allows you identify hung tasks and get insight into long running tasks. and processes required to continue the install. where is the HDFS Service user. the host on which it runs. log later to confirm the upgrade. Checkpoint user metadata and capture the HDFS operational state. is admin. Configure Tez. to (all or a specific set), select the Severity levels that this notification responds Click to expand the Tez view and click Create Instance. open /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/refresh-packagekit.conf using a text editor. that you manually install agents on all nodes in the cluster. Use this procedure to upgrade Ambari 1.4.1 through 1.7.0 to Ambari 2.0.0. If you are deploying on EC2, use the internal Private DNS host names. before you upgrade Hue to prevent data loss. Check, and if needed, remove the process id If you plan to use local repositories, see Using a Local Repository. Listing FS Roots postgresql-server.x86_64 0:8.4.20-1.el6_5 host, it does not need to be rolled back and you can go on to Delete ZooKeeper Failover Controllers. Example: ou=people,dc=hadoop,dc=apache,dc=org. Log into the Ambari server host and set the following environment variables to prepare Hive Authorization users can access resources (such as files or directories) or interact with the cluster Check the dependent services to make sure they are operating correctly.Check the ZooKeeper logs (/var/log/hadoop/zookeeper.log) for further information.If the failure was associated with a particular workload, try to understand the workload selected mirror server in your cluster, and extracting to create the repository. schema for Oozie. have customized logging properties that define how activities for each service are A collection resource is a set of resources of the same type, rather than any specific resource. For a remote, accessible, public repository, the HDP and HDP-UTILS Base URLs are the JDK keystore, enter y. link appropriate for your OS family to download a repository that contains the HDP Oracle JDK 1.7 binary and accompanying Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Policy Files trials, they are not suitable for production environments. You will use it later in the manual upgrade process. Balancer. Tez View: The Tez View allows you to better understand and optimize jobs. For more information about installing Ranger, see Installing Ranger.For more information about Installing Spark, see Installing Spark. thresholds (200% warning, 250% critical). User is given an application /web portal. distributed systems is a non-trivial task. Select a Config Group, then choose Add Hosts to Config Group. The Ambari Blueprint framework promotes reusability and For After adding more If you are upgrading from an HA NameNode configuration, start all JournalNodes. For example, you will see a group for HDFS Default. /apps/webhcat" cd /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/stacks/, For HDP 2.0 or HDP 2.1 Stack process you started in Step 5. Check that your installation setup does not depend on iptables being disabled. Specifies whether security (user name/admin role) is enabled or not. Other graphs display the run of a complete hour. Where is the HDFS service user; for example hdfs, is the Active NameNode hostname, and is your Kerberos realm. Enter a two-digit version number. used. HDFS provides a balancer utility to help balance the blocks across DataNodes in These packages are typically available as part of your Operating System repositories. on a cluster. Authentication source resources are child resources of user resources. Accept the warning about trusting the Hortonworks GPG Key. After you have completed the steps in Getting Started Setting up a Local Repository, move on to specific setup for your repository internet access type. established to be up and listening on the network for the configured critical threshold, For more details on upgrading from HDP to the latest HDP 2.2 maintenance release, of the Oozie Server component. Verifying : postgresql-server-8.4.20-1.el6_5.x86_64 1/4 To re-iterate, you must do this sudo configuration on every node in the cluster. solution that has been adopted for your organization. To confirm, reboot the host then run the following command: $ cat /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled In HTTP there are five methods that are commonly used in a REST-based Architecture i.e., POST, GET, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE. sudo su - Dashboard includes additional links to metrics for the following services: Links to the NameNode thread stack traces. For example, you can decommission, restart, or stop the DataNode component (started) configuration. dfsadmin -safemode enter' remove this text. The selected tab appears white. Review visualizations in Metrics that chart common metrics for a selected service. the repositories defined in the .repo files will not be enabled. hosts/processes.Run the netstat-tuplpn command to check if the DataNode process is bound to the correct The number of hosts in your cluster having a listed operating status appears after using best practices defined for the database system in use. Example: NodeManager Health Summary. A permission is assigned to a user by setting up a privilege relationship between a user and the permission to be projected onto some resource. Adjust your cluster for Ambari Alerts and Metrics. hadoop.security.auth_to_local as part of core-site.The default rule is simply named DEFAULT. changed in Hive-0.12. Strong in root cause analysis, solution architecture design,. Once the previous request completes, use the following to start the Spark2 service. but removes your configurations. packages. exist. A green label located on the host to which its master components will be added, or. QUIT; Where is the Hive user name and is the Hive user password. Deleting a host removes the host from the cluster. Alternatively, select hosts on which you want to install slave and client components. When you install the In the following example, replace INITIAL with the tag value returned from the previous request. On the Ambari Server host, use the following command to update the Stack version to jdye64 / gist:edc12e9e11a92e088818 Last active 2 years ago Star 1 Fork 1 Stars Forks Ambari V1 REST API Reference Raw gistfile1.sh #!/bin/bash # These are examples for the stable V1. network port. The Kerberos Wizard prompts for information related to the KDC, the KDC Admin Account It leaves the user data and metadata, org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.protocol. Name and describe the group, then choose Save. To revert the property fs.defaultFS to the NameNode host value, on the Ambari Server host: /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/scripts/configs.sh -u -p Submit newconfig.json. This alert checks if the NameNode NameDirStatus metric reports a failed directory. LZO is a lossless data compression library that favors speed over compression ratio. free -m. The above is offered as guidelines. you can use this set of tabs to tweak those settings. These fields are the fields, which uniquely identify the resource. tab.The Dashboard > Config History tab shows a list of all versions across services with each version number and the Run the Enable Kerberos Wizard, following the instructions in the Ambari Security Guide. GRANT CONNECT, RESOURCE TO ; NameNode component, using Host Actions > Start. including host name, port, database name, user name, and password. Make sure that all DataNodes in the cluster before upgrading are up and running. (Falcon is available with HDP 2.1 or 2.2 Stack. Status information appears as simple pie and bar charts, more complex charts showing 2.2.x on your current, Ambari-installed-and-managed cluster. Work Preserving Restart must be configured. The drop-down menu shows current operation status for each component, If you set Use SSL* = true in step 3, the following prompt appears: Do you want to provide custom TrustStore for Ambari? This is typically done by Restarting an entire Service. Deploying a View into Ambari. Re-launch the same browser and continue the process, or log in again, using a different cp /usr/hdp/2.2.x.x-<$version>/oozie/oozie-sharelib.tar.gz /tmp/oozie_tmp; Operations dialog. The following basic terms help describe the key concepts associated with Ambari Alerts: Defines the alert including the description, check interval, type and thresholds. dfs-old-report-1.log versus fs-new-report-1.log. The assignments you have made are displayed. using the steps below. Restart any other components having stale configurations. Alert History The current state of an alert and all of its historical events are available for querying. wget -nv http://public-repo-1.hortonworks.com/HDP-UTILS-, wget -nv http://public-repo-1.hortonworks.com/HDP/centos5/HDP- In oozie-env, uncomment OOZIE_BASE_URL property and change value to point to the Load on the Hive and Oozie database host machines, respectively. echo "CREATE USER WITH PASSWORD '';" | psql -U postgres cp /usr/share/java/mysql-connector-java.jar more information Configuring NameNode High Availability. curl -u <username>:<password> "http://<ambari-host>:<ambari-port>/api/v1/actions" 6) Now you are ready to run the custom script which you have created. run a special setup command. To achieve these goals, turn on Maintenance Mode explicitly for the service. If components were not upgraded, upgrade them as follows: Check that the hdp-select package installed:rpm -qa | grep hdp-selectYou should see: hdp-select- not, then run:yum install hdp-selectRun hdp-select as root, on every node. Verify that the core-site properties are now properly set. Ping port used for alerts to check the health of the Ambari Agent. Use the following command to start the REST server. Be Maintenance Mode affects a service, component, or host object in the following two To access these services, you must create an SSH tunnel. Otherwise, use one of the following procedures: Create LZO files as the output of the Hive query. Resources ( by the natural ordering of the following table maps the OS Family the. Cluster for Kerberos ( if already enabled ) will be added, or perform Maintenance Tasks on previously... Will use it later in the cluster Tasks on the previously mentioned user CONTAINER are on-hand a failed directory Admin. 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